
'Ferrari Look Fastest, Perhaps Red Bull And Then Maybe Us Or McLaren' - Lewis Hamilton Downbeat On Mercedes Test Pace 메이저사이트
Lewis Hamilton fears he won't be in dispute to fight for a record-breaking eighth big showdown.

ust multi week out from the season-opening race in Bahrain, a downbeat Hamilton said Mercedes are behind Max Verstappen's Red Bull group and Ferrari in the hierarchy.

The 37-year-old was talking only minutes after his last activity in testing before next Sunday's shade raiser.

"It is too soon to have those sort of considerations about the big showdown, yet right now I don't figure we will go after wins," said Hamilton.

"I'm certain everybody can sort out that we are not the speediest. Ferrari seem to be the quickest, and maybe Red Bull and afterward perhaps us, or McLaren. We are as of now not at the top."

Mercedes battled in testing last year, just for Hamilton to beat Verstappen at the main race.

Also, following six days of pre-season activity, it has been proposed that the group, which has controlled Hamilton to five of the last seven titles and brought home the beyond eight constructors' titles, is yet to show its actual potential.

Be that as it may, Hamilton, said Mercedes have been upset by Formula One's most noteworthy disturbance of its specialized rulebook in an age.

Hamilton proceeded: "It feels night and day different to the year before. It doesn't look as great.

"We have far greater difficulties and they are not one-week turnarounds. They will take somewhat longer. I'm informed we have a lot of speed to find.

"There is potential inside our vehicle to get us there. We simply need to figure out how to remove it and fix the issues which is the thing we are doing. However, we have obstacles to survive.

"One week from now we will get a superior appearance of our speed yet individuals may be astounded. We are being informed we are calming ourselves down, however it is a piece different this year."

In spite of the fact that groups run various tires, fuel, and motor modes - all of which altogether change how quick the vehicle is - in testing, Hamilton has not pained the highest point of the request at the current week's Bahrain test.

Without a doubt, the British driver, offering to vindicate last season's fervently questioned title rout to Verstappen, completed just 10th of the 10 drivers on Saturday morning. Sergio Perez was speediest for Red Bull.

Ferrari have not come out on top for a drivers' championship since Kimi Raikkonen won for the Italian goliaths in 2007.

Be that as it may, the Scuderia have discreetly intrigued in Barcelona last month, and afterward the Gulf Kingdom.

"It is one of the smoothest arrangements that I have had," said Ferrari's Charles Leclerc.

"On another task you hope to track down hindrances en route however it has been smooth and we have figured out how to get to the next level.

"Mercedes have not shown their true capacity. We know how much edge we have, however we don't have any idea how much the others conceal their game.

"We should be wary. It is great to be at the front yet it makes no difference until further notice."