
Indeed, Dude Perfect Actually Filmed One Of Its All Sports Battles At Augusta National's Amen Corner (and They Weren't Even Tossed Out) 메이저사이트
We should accept what you thought you had some awareness of Augusta National Golf Club, home of the Masters: moderate, saturated with custom, the kind of spot where challenging show is playing a golf ball with stripes.

Presently how about we consider Dude Perfect, the hugely well known web-based outfit that likes to disrupt customary games.

In some other time-say, Friday-you would think there is no possible way the club would permit the Dude Perfect group anyplace inside the doors to film one of everything Sports Golf Battles. Or on the other hand assuming it did, perhaps it would be in the controlled setting of the training region. However, Dude Perfect at Amen Corner? Swinging tennis rackets off the tee, using croquet hammers as putters? The club seniors would unquestionably dismiss the idea quicker than you could say "swimsuit wax greens".

All things considered, kids, look at this:

There is a great deal to take in here: the ludicrous cluster of athletic gear to explore openings Nos. 11-13 (in addition to a season finisher on No. 16), or the caddies in white jumpsuits shaking off the utilization of the frisbee because of a paranoid fear of it arriving in Rae's Creek. Be that as it may, our undisputed top choice may be a shockingly chill and fun Bryson DeChambeau, who was situated as only this irregular golf player adjusting for the Masters, yet rather gets cleared up in the good times.

It's valid, Clifford Roberts probably could not have possibly supported, however at that point, he never needed to stress over second-screen encounters.

"This organization between Dude Perfect and The Masters shows their obligation to being more open and inviting, and this video was a demonstration of that and our cooperative work to become the sport of golf for the more youthful age," Dude Perfect Chief Brand Officer Chad Coleman said by means of email. "We're excited with how the video came out and adore seeing every one of the positive responses!"

Credit to Dude Perfect for the work, and to whoever at the club faced the triumphant conflict to give the fellas access to have a good time.

Then again, we have a few thoughts we might want to pitch also …