
Will augmentations ruin my regular lashes?
Since application requires exact work around such a fragile region of your face, it's critical to observe somebody who is confirmed to apply lashes, says Richardson. In certain states, the beautician likewise should be authorized.

"In the event that you go to an unpracticed lash beautician, chances are, you will wind up with lopsided, clumpy looking lashes," says Richardson. "Far more detestable, they can harm your regular lashes, which can likewise forestall regrowth."

Yet, with appropriate application, eyelash expansions won't demolish your normal lashes, guarantees Richardson. Simply be delicate with them-assuming that you rub the region, the augmentations might drop out or take out anything hair they are connected to, she says.

So... Could it be said that they are worth the effort?
Eyelash augmentations are expensive and require upkeep, yet they give your eye regular volume that renders mascara pointless. Assuming you put on cosmetics consistently, this is a distinct life hack deserving of the responsibility.

However, in the event that you seldom wear cosmetics or can't routinely keep up with your arrangement of expansions, you should pass on this excellence treatment.