
On July 19, Raffaelli messaged Speers. 안전놀이터

"I realize it was difficult for you to approach, and I'm happy that you did," Raffaelli said. "I've surveyed the data you furnished and examined with my partners. In light of what you've announced, I and the Title IX official will meet with Coach McKeever to share the worries you've raised, audit with her the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment as well as the non-segregation, and tormenting approaches, and talk about proper way of behaving and limits. I've likewise announced the data to Athletics the board, who will follow up also. While I can't share more insights regarding any administration activities considering representative security, I will refresh you (per my office's convention) after I've spoken with Coach McKeever."

It took the OPHD official an additional 47 days to report back to Speers that she had met with McKeever and the matter was settled.

"I'm writing to tell you that I had the option to meet with Teri and share your interests with her," Raffaelli wrote in a Sept. 4 email to Speers. "I didn't share your name, and audited the counter reprisal strategy with her. My conciliatory sentiments for the period of time to hit you up, as we made them plan delays.

"Regardless, we had a useful discussion. We examined power elements, how words and activities can have a significant effect no matter what their purpose, and ways of enhancing the retreat before very long, in addition to other things.

"Since this matter was settled under our casual, precaution measure systems, my office presently thinks about this matter shut."

After six weeks, Devine, a Pac-12 scorer and NCAA qualifier, met with McKeever on Oct. 16 about whether she would remain in the program, as per messages and meetings. Devine told SCNG that McKeever had harassed her for a really long time to where the swimmer thought about ending her own life.

"I would have rather not existed in reality as we know it where I needed to see Teri consistently," Devine said. "I would have rather not been alive. I would have rather not existed."

"Teri caused me to feel crazy," Devine proceeded. "Her office resembled this seat of force. She would talk at me without permitting me to get any words in, (she would holler), 'You're lying.'