토토사이트 검증

As the just returnee from the Panthers' main seven, Brockwell will be entrusted with driving a group that is attempting to expand on its most memorable OCC-Ohio title beginning around 2016 and procure its most memorable state compartment starting around 2013. 토토사이트 검증

Brockwell was fourth in the association in normal (75.5) as a lesser prior to completing 6th at the Turnberry sectional (74) and tying for 33rd (78) in the Division I locale competition.

Brady Catalano
School: Upper Arlington

Year: Junior

Catalano will assist with pacing a profound setup as the Golden Bears attempt to arrive at their most memorable Division I state competition beginning around 2014 and state-record 56th in general.

Catalano shot a 72 at locale last year, two shots short of his most memorable state compartment, and found the middle value of a 76 in the four-round OCC-Central competition.

Catalano's dad, Mark, hit the fairway for UA in the mid 1990s prior to playing at South Carolina.

Dylan Cullman
School: Upper Arlington

Year: Senior

One more of the Bears' few returnees, Cullman found the middle value of 77 in the OCC-Central competition — incorporating a 74 in the second round to tie for the leader and a group best 79 in the third round — prior to tying for seventeenth (78) at the Denison Golf Club sectional and tying for sixteenth (75) at locale.

UA completed third at sectional (315) and 6th at region (310).

Jack Flores
School: Thomas Worthington

Year: Sophomore

Flores got more grounded as his green bean season went on, shooting a 73 at the Darby Creek sectional to attach for third and advance to region, where he shot a 82.

He was consistent in OCC-Cardinal play, averaging 77.75 to acquire second-group all-association praises.

Flores as of now has a couple of fifth-place completes this season, with a 73 at the Wedgewood Showcase on Aug. 8 and a 77 at the Steve Youmans Classic on Aug. 6 at Champions.

Vaughn Harber
School: DeSales

Year: Junior

Harber will attempt to expand on areas of strength for a season in which he won three invitationals, was CCL medalist, completed thirteenth in the Division I locale competition and procured his most memorable Super 12 honor.

Harber, who found the middle value of 72.3 last year, shot a 19-more than 235 for three rounds at the IMG Academy Junior World Championships in July in San Diego. He additionally completed second in the Columbus District Golf Association Junior Championship.