

Condition of play

Indian Table Tennis is on a vertical bend. Two sequential Commonwealth Games where India have topped the decoration count in the game and two lady decorations at the last Asian Games are a demonstration of (slow however consistent) development. In addition Sharath Kamal seems to have some organization at the highest point of Indian table tennis now.

Sharath Kamal and Sathiyan Gnanasekaran present with their silver decorations in table tennis men's copies at the 2022 Commonwealth Games Alex Pantling/Getty Images
What should be finished?

Challenge China. No, genuinely.

How to make it happen?

Apparently, this is quite possibly of the most unthinkable undertaking in world game - - since TT was drafted into the Olympics, China have won 32 golds. The following nearest is Japan, with 3. Yet, on the off chance that beating, and turning into, the best isn't your objective, would you say you are truly reaching sufficiently skyward?

Impersonating China might be excessively essential, and excessively ridiculous, yet there are parts of what they have done that India can take: beginning extremely youthful and focusing on this one game from the off, zeroing in on strategy over capacity around then, guaranteeing accessibility of experienced mentors at each level of the excursion, having a strong organization of constant homegrown contests that ventures into openness globally (which is being finished in a little way now and is now helping), having legislative help across all levels. Also... Persistence. No such arrangement will get results occur temporarily; yet they truly do keep going a long-term once it begins coming in.