
Trading company's Donation Of Sports Equipment Now In BPS 안전놀이터
BEATRICE - Beatrice Public Schools has gotten conveyance of a few bits of athletic gear, because of a gift this year from a neighborhood trading company.

Paul Garnett and Traci Garnett-Froscheiser from Garnett Investments gave about $70,000 - $80,000 dollars of actual training hardware for use by the school region.

The things incorporate ProStyle Adjustable Basketball Hoops, Elite System Volleyball Standards and Judge's Platforms, updated ball trucks, floor matting for weight rooms and more things.

Administrator Jason Alexander expresses a few of the movable b-ball circles are set up at the primary schools. The volleyball norms hardware will be utilized once the new Elementary School is finished.

Paul Garnett said, "We maintain that our understudies should approach extraordinary gear, preparing for future accomplishment for the Lady Orange and Orangemen groups."