
PennLive Cup Is Back For New High School Sports Season: Here's How Your School Can Win 

The PennLive Cup is back for the 2021-2022 secondary school sports season. 메이저사이트

By and by, the PennLive Cup, supported by Renewal by Andersen of Central PA, will be granted to the Mid-Penn school with the best all-around athletic program toward the finish of the educational year. Utilizing a scoring framework set up by PennLive, each school will acquire focuses dependent on individual and group exhibitions across nine games. 

Here are the games that are remembered for the scoring, in view of their accessibility in Mid-Penn schools: 


Young ladies volleyball 

Young men ball 

Young ladies b-ball 




Young men track and field 

Young ladies track and field 

Focuses will be granted for individual and group achievements. The more titles and grants a group wins, the more focuses they acquire toward the PennLive Cup. Toward the finish of the school year, every one of the focuses procured will be added up and a victor will be declared. 

PennLive will give refreshes after the fall and winter season to show where each school in the Mid-Penn is in the standings. 

Here is the way focuses are granted: 

Locale Championship (Individual) — 10 focuses 

State Championship (Individual) — 15 focuses 

Mid-Penn Championship (group) — 10 focuses 

Locale Runner-Up (Team) — 10 focuses 

Locale Championship (Team) — 25 focuses 

State Runner-Up (Team) — 25 focuses 

State Championship (Team) — 50 focuses 

PennLive's Individual Sport Player of the Year — 10 focuses 

PennLive's Male Athlete of the Year — 20 focuses 

PennLive's Female Athlete of the Year — 20 focuses 

PennLive's Coach of the Year — 20 focuses 

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