
World Anti-Doping Agency Retains Ban On Marijuana In Sports 안전놀이터
The World Anti-Doping Agency is probably going to hold a prohibition on the utilization of weed by competitors, notwithstanding strain on the organization to change its strategy on marijuana after U.S. Runner Sha'Carri Richardson was banned from the Summer Olympic Games the year before.

As indicated by a report from the Wall Street Journal distributed on Monday, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) will save marijuana on its rundown of restricted substances for 2023. With the choice to proceed with the prohibition on weed by the overseeing body accused of forestalling doping in worldwide games, competitors who test positive for pot in rivalry will confront suspension from qualification.

Last year, WADA reported that it would lead a logical survey to decide whether marijuana ought to stay on the rundown of restricted substances. The survey was started with the consolation of the U.S. Against Doping Agency, competitors and U.S. Legislators after Richardson was kept off the 2021 U.S. Olympic group following a positive test for THC at a passing occasion.

Richardson's suspension, which came notwithstanding any convincing proof appearance that marijuana is a presentation improving medication, created a ruckus in the United States, where a larger part of grown-ups live in a state with lawful clinical or sporting pot. Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary at that point, portrayed Richardson as "a moving young lady" while adding that it was not suitable for President Joseph Biden to remark on the actual suspension.

"The draft 2023 Prohibited List is still getting looked at," a WADA representative said in an explanation. "WADA's Executive Committee will be requested to endorse the last variant from the List during its 23 September meeting, with the actual List being distributed at the very latest 1 October and coming into force on 1 January."

"Cannabinoids no doubt adversely affect athletic execution," the organization composed.

Different worries brought by authorities up in the Netherlands remember the likelihood that the boycott for marijuana will keep competitors from utilizing items with CBD, which a utilization to treat irritation and torment.

"For very nearly 10 years, USADA has pushed for WADA to change its way to deal with weed so a positive test isn't an infringement except if it was purposefully used to upgrade execution or imperils the wellbeing or security of contenders," Tygart said in a meeting with the Wall Street Journal.

Notwithstanding, weed stays on the disallowed list in light of the fact that a large number of WADA's partners all over the planet have verified that cannabis presents potential wellbeing takes a chance during contest and disregards the soul of game, Tygart wrote in his letter.