
Zac Jones Or Libor Hajek? Officers Will not Disclose Whose Triumphant sixth And Last Cautious Spot
At the point when the Officers opened up instructional course last week, the assumption was that there were just a small bunch of spots that would should be settled on by the training staff and front office.

One of the more significant beginning spots is the topic of who will begin inverse of Braden Schneider for the Officer's third guarded matching.

The Officers have a flock of youthful cautious players who are more than up to the job, yet the two driving names that have polished, and played predominately with Schneider have been Zac Jones and Libor Hajek.

Hajek played in 17 games last season and is a previous second-round pick from Tampa. Jones, then again, is a previous third-round pick and has played in 22 games for the Officers in the last two seasons.

The two players are under 25 years of age, and the two players are viewed as the primary contest to see who will wind up matching with Schneider on premiere night in less than about fourteen days. At the point when you ask the player whose spot is secure on the Officers list, he's not excessively stressed over who his accomplice will be.

"I know them both. I played with (Zac) Jonesy a tad in Hartford and we really do have some science. Libor and I, I thought we got better each game and camp." Schneider told AMNY. "I think the two gatherings have extraordinary science and it's simply the truth will come out eventually."

While Schneider has spoken decidedly about both Hajek and Jones, the eye test from fans and examiners the same see a position fight that is being won by Zac Jones. Jones scored an objective in the group's 4-1 preseason prevail upon the Islanders on Monday, while Hajek was calmer with the exception of a turnover in the cautious zone.

The eye test might be recounting one story, however lead trainer Gerard Chivalrous has been exceptionally steady and both have looked strong. The Officers lead trainer likewise isn't stressed over beginning two youthful players together which would be the situation with whoever is matched with Schneider.

"I got no issue with that. Schneider's a decent youthful player. He's made a major stride coming into camp. Simply go play your game, it's not unique in relation to everything that we say to the advances." Chivalrous said.

Chivalrous and Schneider both can promote the experience that has come from playing with both, yet the science among Jones and the first-round pick has been clear all through camp. In Jones' objective on Monday, Schneider was credited with the help and got the hostile play rolling.

That science between the two has been evident on the ice whether it's been for the Officers or their AHL subsidiary.

"He and I played together a nice sum in Hartford and afterward when I came up a couple of times, and I thought we played perfect. We had a ton of science and I thought we moved well out there together." Jones said after Monday's preseason game.

No matter what a strong presentation during the main preseason round of the time, Jones and Hajek both realize that they can deal with their exhibition.

"I simply need to go out there and play my game and not stress over what I have no control over." Jones added, "I think being a shrewd puck-moving defenseman, streak my offense sometimes and be solid toward the back."

Braden Schneider's strong first season with the group has gotten his spot on the program. For Jones and Hajek, they actually have a week and a half to establish a sufficient connection with the training staff to show they have a place on the first day of the season list.