토토사이트 검증

Taz Files Trademark On Catchphrase 토토사이트 검증

Taz documented to reserve his expression, "Beat Me If You Can. Endure If I Let You" on September 14 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. 

The AEW telecaster utilized "contrivance lawyer" Michael E. Dockins to assist with documenting the brand name for diversion administrations. 

The following is the full portrayal: 

IC 041. US 100 101 107. G and S: Entertainment in the idea of wrestling challenges; Entertainment administrations, in particular, wrestling shows and exhibitions by an expert grappler and performer; Entertainment administrations, to be specific, live appearances by an expert grappler and sports performer; Entertainment administrations, specifically, individual appearances by an expert grappler and sports amusement character; Entertainment administrations, specifically, broadcast appearances by an expert wrestling and sports diversion character; Providing wrestling news and data through a worldwide PC organization; Providing on the web interviews highlighting an expert wrestling and sports amusement character in the field of expert wrestling and sports diversion for amusement purposes. 

As noted, Team Taz part Powerhouse Hobbs will confront CM Punk next Friday at Rampage: Grand Slam.