
TUPATALK: Perhaps The Day Will Arrive When International Sports Will Replace Battlefield 토토사이트
At some point in the pre-fall or late-summer of 1990, I headed to March Air Force Base to report direct on the sending of U.S. Marines to Desert Shield.

The vehicle jets held up like sparkling chariots brightening the landing area. Marines stood by to board, some tracking down a helpful seat any place they could, or laying on the ground talking with one another.

Those of us from the area media led relaxed interviews with a portion of these Asia-bound fighters; we snapped photographs of gatherings of Marines or of the planes as troops loaded up.

Before long the goliath gleaming birds raged down the runway, each in turn, and cut up high.

One of the U.S. Military champions from Desert Storm gets back in 1991 to a blissful get-together at March Air Force Base.

Nobody might have known when those equivalent vehicles while bring the heroes home - or the number of would return beneficial to this equivalent spot and embrace thrilled friends and family.

That memory confounded with a scene in a film, "Chariots of Fire," that I watched during the end of the week.

It spun around the flight of an enormous boat of British Olympians heading out for France and set to contend in the 1924 Paris Olympic Games.

In light of the real world, the succession showed many companions and others swarmed the harbors stunningly applauding the competitors as the boat pulled away from the shore.

Improving the powerful show of contorting bodies, grins and tears were banner waving goodbyes and different tokens of generosity and backing for this imposing multitude of competitors.

These simple legends of contest planned to war, as well - as it were. Be that as it may, there would be no firearms, no bombs, no passing records, no Mia's, no fear felt by those comfortable each time the telephone rang or a message showed up at the entryway. There was no unending time table - the competitors would travel, fight for public and individual magnificence, and get back at prohibited time.

The differentiation between my memory about that day at March AFB versus that piece of the film hit me with the pondered how superb it would be assuming the main time countries clashed was in serene athletic rivalry, with just the power of public pride on the line. Occasions were the feeling of kindness between competitors was eclipsed by the eventual outcomes.

Story proceeds

As I ponder the horrendous pulverization occurring in Ukraine, I'm reminded again that war frequently is a means to an end - yet a malicious, in any case.

The majority of wars comprise of an assailant country endeavoring to triumph and undermine, murder and oppress numerous in the vanquished country, and restricting powers battling for their own reality and opportunities, or for the presence and opportunities of more vulnerable countries.

It's not off-base for Ukraine to battle to keep up with its autonomy, its administration and its freedoms. The Civil War stopped subjugation and I don't completely accept that it was off-base for the

Partners to fight Hitler and Japan, first to stop their force, second to stop the mass massacre and democide, and third to safeguard individuals in the vanquished nations.

What a superb world it will be when war is finished and free individuals can seek after satisfaction in harmony.

Luckily, a colossal level of those Marines that left March AFB that day such a long time ago got back to families and companions.

Ideally, this most recent tempest of savagery will end with everybody returning home and maybe the world pulling a little nearer to that ideal day when worldwide athletic contest unites all of us.