
In one text, Depp composed that he was "nauseated" he had at any point been with Heard. 온라인카지노

"I'm embarrassed about a portion of the references made," he said. "I'm humiliated."

Johnny Depp conceded that a portion of the instant messages he expounded on ex Amber Heard were in unfortunate taste, as he stood up on Tuesday in his slander body of evidence against the entertainer.

Depp is suing Heard, asserting she demolished his standing and profession by intimating she had been the casualty of abusive behavior at home. Heard claims Depp attacked her on various times previously and during their marriage, which finished in separate following 15 months in 2016. Depp has over and again denied the allegations.

On Tuesday, Depp stood up and was asked by one of his legal advisors to make sense of the composing style on exhibit in a portion of the instant messages that were perused in court during the preliminary.

One of the instant messages remembered a message to his primary care physician for which he called Heard "as loaded with crap as a Christmas Goose."

In another instant message to Heard's previous aide, after the couple's separation, Depp said he was "disturbed that I at any point contacted that fuckin rubbish."

Depp apologized to the jury for perusing the instant messages.

"I'm embarrassed about a portion of the references made," he said. "I'm humiliated."

He made sense of that at that point, he was in a snapshot of agony and he "went to dim spots."

That's what he said "now and again torment must be managed with humor, and in some cases dull, extremely dim, humor."

However, Depp professed to have learned "from those missteps."

"You continue on and that is the way you begin to get your own vernacular," he said.