
Sports: Attitudes, Personalities Lead SHHS Girls Tennis Team 안전놀이터
The St. Helens High School Girls Tennis Team is into the 5A-1 NW Conference 2022 season and is planned to contend in a double meet at Milwaukie Academy of the Arts School April 19.

The SHHS Girls Tennis Team has a 13-game timetable this season.

Metro Creative Connection
As the season started, The Chronicle checked in with SHHS Girls Head Tennis Coach Mark McQueen about the group's 13-game season.

The Chronicle: what number understudies do you hope to turnout this season and is that up or down contrasted with earlier years?

Mark McQueen: Right now, I have 18 competitors. Ten are returners. We by and large have 15-22 players, so we are fine with where we are. Varsity just plays 14, so the way that we can play all spots is something awesome.

The Chronicle: At this early point, what do you see as the qualities and the shortcomings of your groups?

McQueen: It is early, yet I would agree that our greatest strength is the perspectives and characters of the players. They are anxious to help one another, support one another, and make each other better. I have trained many games throughout the course of recent years and the personality of these players is best in class.

Assuming I needed to pick a shortcoming it would be that downpour has prevented us from getting a great deal of time on the courts. Tennis improvement accompanies reiteration and more redundancy, not being on the courts harms.

The Chronicle: What will be the preparation needs this season and why?

McQueen: Can we as a group make the shots important to move a convention along to set up for the last shot. Persistence and picking our spots are main concerns.

The Chronicle: What schools in your association will be the most difficult to go up against and why those schools?

McQueen: I figure we can contend with any of the groups in our association. The additional difficult schools are the ones with at least 30 players. That measure of players typically implies that they play all year which implies they have gotten the redundancy that improves a player.

The Chronicle: What do you trust the group members detract from their experience both as a games contender and for deep rooted examples?

McQueen: I want to show the players that tennis is an incredible game. I want to believe that they play until the end of their lives. Could I at any point assist them with building the abilities so they can have a good time while working on their abilities? Assuming half are playing tennis for entertainment only when they are in their 40s then I was effective in my methodology and disposition.

The Chronicle: Feel allowed to add some other remarks you could have:

McQueen: This year we will play without our number 1 singles player from last year, Drew Erickson. She hurt her knee during the b-ball season and required a medical procedure. She is a wild contender that will be remembered fondly as a player. She is assuming the job of director this year which is extraordinary, however we will miss her play on the court.