
Ms Rayner frequently sits close to Labor pioneer Sir Keir Starmer and inverse the Prime Minister during the week by week Commons conflicts. 사설토토

She has additionally subbed for Sir Keir at PMQs when he has been compelled to hole up because of Covid-19.

In a progression of tweets, Ms Rayner suddenly erupted at the "lies" being informed about her.

The Ashton-under-Lyne MP said: "Boris Johnson's team promoters have depended on spreading frantic, debased spreads in their bound endeavors to take care of himself.

"They know the exact thing they are doing. The untruths they are telling."

She said Mr Johnson and his sponsor "obviously dislike ladies in open life" and that they "ought to be embarrassed about themselves".

"I will not be allowing their wretched deceives prevent me. Their endeavors to hassle and threaten me will fall flat," Ms Rayner added.

Sir Keir said the sexism showed by those instructions the Sunday paper was a "offensive new low from a party buried in outrage and disarray".

Tulip Siddiq, the shadow financial secretary to the Treasury, said the allegations were "disreputable".

The Labor legislator told Sky News' Sophy Ridge On Sunday: "Toward the day's end, Angela Rayner is a MP who was chosen on merit.

"To discuss the reality she is utilizing her legs or her stance to control the Prime Minister is crazy and I'm profoundly unglued about it."

One Tory MP is said to have told the paper: "She (Ms Rayner) realizes she can't rival Boris' Oxford Union discussing preparing, however she has different abilities which he needs.

"She has conceded as much while appreciating drinks with us on the (Commons) patio."

(Dad Wire)

Andrea Leadsom, the previous head of the Commons, likewise referred to the remarks as "absolutely inadmissible" and communicated compassion toward the agent Labor pioneer.

When gotten some information about the inclusion, Tory director Oliver Dowden said he didn't perceive the cases credited to his party's MPs.

Wellbeing Secretary Sajid Javid tweeted: "On the off chance that a MP or MPs truly said this, it's absolutely despicable.

"No lady in legislative issues ought to need to tolerate this."