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Sports: Sampson Makes Lasting Impression

Patrons at the Smoke Pit Restaurant knew something unusual was afoot because WBTV cameras were there, but they weren’t sure exactly what was happening until Ralph Sampson stood up.

It takes Sampson’s long, slim body about 10 seconds to unfold from a chair.  His hairline has receded a bit, but he hasn’t changed that much from his playing days.

Engaged in deep conversation with Sampson, Memories 1280 radio’s Ken Anderson squinted straight up at the tall fellow like he was searching the clouds for Superman.

The percentage of 7-foot-4 people on the planet is quite small, and Sampson, even at 61 years old, is every bit of 7-foot-4. He still stands erect with the posture of a soldier and the bearing of a diplomat.

He’s proud of his commanding size. He doesn’t slouch. By the time he was a 6-foot-7 ninth-grader, he had learned that he could use his unusual

height not only to dominate basketball games but to demand respect off the court.

When Sampson talks, people listen.

That’s why Terry Osborne, Nanette Dillon and Marny Hendrick and the local ABC Board brought him to town as part of the ABC Upward! Program. He joined former  ACC rivals Al Wood (UNC) and Gene Banks (Duke), among others, as speakers at the local high schools.

Sampson spoke to a captive audience at East Rowan on Tuesday afternoon where some of the youngsters may have seen him on highlight films or heard tales from their parents or grandparents.

There are plenty of tales that can be told about Sampson. He was a true unicorn, the first of his kind, the most heavily recruited player of his generation.

There had been many great big men before him, but never one that stood 7-foot-4 and also possessed Sampson’s skill level. 토토사이트 검증

Sampson led his high school team in Harrisonburg, Va., to state titles, averaging 30 points, 19 rebounds and 7 blocks. Every college in the country wanted him, including UNC, which usually got who it wanted in those days.

When Sampson said two simple words at his commitment press conference — “It’s Virginia” — he transformed the basketball fortunes of that university.

Just about everyone except Sampson and Virginia head coach Terry Holland believed he would be a one-and-done in the college ranks, but he fooled a lot of people. He enjoyed the UVA experience and stayed four years.

“The basketball part of things is mostly a blur for me now,” Sampson said. “What I’m proudest of is graduating from Virginia. After that, you remember the friendships you make and you remember the family milestones. Then comes the basketball.”

Massive expectations always cast a long shadow. Sampson couldn’t have been much better as a freshman, but people always expected more and wanted more. It was a new world for Virginia. Normally viewed as a middle-of-the-pack team in the dog-eat-dog ACC, Virginia, which had veterans such as Jeff Lamp, Jeff Jones and Lee Raker, suddenly was ranked as high as No. 2 nationally in the preseason.

The Cavaliers fell short of their hype that season, but they did go to the NIT — and they won it.

“The ACC was tough,” Sampson said. “Tough, experienced teams everywhere, and rabid fans. In the ACC they love ya or they hate ya, and they loved to hate me and Virginia.”

Virginia’s NIT championship game victory in Madison Square Garden against Minnesota was epic and meaningful and program-turning. Minnesota had 6-foot-11 Kevin McHale, a future NBA superstar, as well as 7-foot-3 Randy Breuer, another first-round draft pick who proved to be a solid NBA player.

Sampson waged a fierce struggle with both giants. There were collisions of the big men that shook the rim.

“They beat the heck out of me,” Sampson said. “That’s when I realized I wasn’t ready for the NBA. I was going to get my butt kicked.”

Sampson is being modest. No doubt he got roughed up some by the Golden Gophers, but he produced 15 points and 15 rebounds in that game. He was tournament MVP.