
JW: Coach [Geno] Auriemma said, "Two words you won't ever hear Sue Bird say: 'You're correct.'"

SB: No, I believe it's more, "I'm off-base." [Laughing] Yeah, I will quite often believe I'm correct. It's a gift. It's not a decent one all the time.

JW: But it seems as though you're not reluctant to stir it up.

SB: Oh, no. Not the least bit. This is like treatment. This is an attribute that I'm dealing with. I comprehend that when you are having a discussion and you come from a position of continuously being correct, it's not exactly wonderful to constantly converse with those individuals. … So I'm exceptionally mindful of that in my public activity. … When it comes to ball, however, I'm not doing it for terrible reasons, you know? I feel like when I'm out there, I'm playing in a game, or on the other hand in the event that I'm watching something, I really believe I'm correct assuming I'm saying something. On the off chance that I believe I'm off-base, I in all likelihood won't utter a word.

JW: You must've heard this multiple times. This pitiful [trope] "I could do without ladies' b-ball because they don't dunk. What's more, they play underneath the edge." Where are we with that?

SB: I mean, it's interesting you ask me this now since what's new to me is NBA All-Star, where everyone was whining that the dunk challenge was exhausting and the three-point challenge ought to go last. So ideally they keep that energy. Which I'm certain they will not. As far as I might be concerned, it's a particularly drained contention. I don't for even a moment focus any longer when that's what individuals say.

JW: couldn't care less?

SB: I don't care the slightest bit. I believe in the event that you got quite a while back, I would've dove into this about how as far as I can tell, according to my point of view, ball is an extremely famous game. O.K.? So you have very little individuals going out and playing get tennis. Or on the other hand get soccer. Or on the other hand get anything. … And I think what that has made is a many individuals, for the most part folks, who figure they can play. Thus everything they're doing is evaluating us and putting us down, since we're not doing what the NBA folks do. So we get analyzed a ton. So it resembles two things are working out. One, the normal person is evaluating us, talkin' about, "I can beat you." They can't.

And afterward the other thing that is going on is we're simply normally getting contrasted with our male partner. It resembles assuming you take boxing, for instance, isn't that so? You have the heavyweights. Also, the heavyweights contend with the heavyweights. Also, everyone regards when Mike Tyson is going out there and beating everyone. 메이저사이트

And afterward you have different loads, the lighter loads, isn't that so? Along these lines, a Floyd Mayweather. What's more, he's going out there and beating everyone. What's more, everyone regards him. In any case, no one says, "Goodness, indeed, Floyd, you suck because assuming that you stepped in the ring with Mike Tyson… "

I have such a lot of regard for NBA players. I know, as a b-ball player, what goes into it. What's more, I realize that I can't dunk and I can't do those things. In any case, that is only something actual. That is exactly the very thing that it is, hereditarily, chemicals and stuff. So I don't want to analyze in those ways. I can take a gander at men's b-ball and feel a debt of gratitude. I can take a gander at ladies' b-ball and feel a debt of gratitude. Also, I simply think a many individuals become involved with the correlation. What's more, that occurs. The truth? What difference does that make?

JW: Serena Williams is amazing. According to nobody, "Yet she can't beat Nadal."

SB: So to me, that is another genuine model, the tennis one. Not a many individuals play tennis. A many individuals play ball. It's fascinating dating a soccer player since they don't get as much [comparison].