
Overwatch 2 Beta Will Get More Heroes, Maps, And Hero Reworks, Blizzard Says
Overwatch 2's PvP beta is still in its beginning phases, and more happy is preceding the full game send-offs. That incorporates new elements, maps, and, surprisingly, extra unannounced legends, Blizzard says, as well as customary offset changes with an underlying spotlight on the game's help cast.사설토토

Snowstorm itemized a portion of those adjustments of a  designer blog on the authority Overwatch website on Tuesday, giving a glance at what players can expect over ensuing patches.

While there's no word on when new legends (past Sojourn) or guides might show up, Blizzard shared a portion of its arrangements in regards to quick needs. Support legends will be seeing extra buffs, since they've lost an off-tank to safeguard them and are more open to flanking. That may likewise mean revised capacities, something that the help side of Overwatch didn't get in Overwatch 2's beta.

"We have heard plainly that help players feel the two tanks and harm players have all the more new happy to appreciate and investigate in this Beta," Blizzard said. "Longer term, we trust the best method for handling this issue is to add energizing new help legends to the game, and that is essential for our arrangements. In the close to term, our legend configuration group is likewise exploring different avenues regarding huge, yet more limited lead time, thoughts including new and invigorated capacities for some, current help legends."

Snowstorm additionally addressed changes to Overwatch's scoreboard, and made sense of why it resigned the award and "fire" framework in Overwatch 2's beta for more granular player insights.

"These measurements incorporate disposals, helps, passings, harm, harm alleviated, and mending," Blizzard said. "The data will be introduced in another format that mirrors other serious games and sports. We need to give players a general more exact perspective on the game. Our group honestly thinks that giving exact input and support can further develop everybody's interactivity experience!"

Snowstorm rushed to take note of that the beta test is as yet a work underway, and components like menu screens, scoreboards, legends' new and updated looks, and the brilliant firearm framework are not completely executed or complete. Will be there ASAP "a lot of by and large clean and refinement included the type of improved UI, [and] bug fixes," as per the engineer.