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Damon finished his graduate degree in 2012 and was a dignitary of understudies wanting to ascend the managerial stepping stool when he took in the FHSAA had a staff opening.

He applied and got the work one day before his group played its preseason Kickoff Classic game in August 2013. After the Colts beat Lake Weir, Damon clustered his group and made it known that he would mentor just two additional games prior to withdrawing for the FHSAA work. 토토사이트 검증

"I maintained that you should hear it from me," he said.

Players cried. Damon teared up, as well.

He joined the FHSAA staff that September as a head of games, regulating swimming, young men soccer and fastpitch softball.

"That was never a fantasy of mine. Never felt that would even be plausible," he reviews.


After a year Damon was placed responsible for football alongside olympic style events. Also, in the spring of 2015 he was elevated to manage rules consistence and qualification, seemingly the FHSAA's most difficult and unpleasant, influential place.

He has needed to examine bad behavior while reliably sharing his insight into the guidelines and guidelines with mentors and school overseers with the expectation that ineligibility decisions can be kept away from.

"The FHSAA consistence and qualification division under Craig Damon has totally been incredible," said Doug Patterson, who administers sports for Orange County Public Schools. "They genuinely attempt to track down arrangements that benefit the understudy competitors and the schools."

The numerous individuals from Damon's emotionally supportive network, which incorporates his better half, Anissa, alongside two sisters who educate, uncles, aunties, mentors, associates and companions, will let you know that it is Damon's assurance to give his all — joined with ability, enthusiastic examinations and a charming character — that has made him regarded and perceived at each progression as he moved up in progress.

"I can't perceive you I saw this approaching when I gave Craig his first [high school] training position," said Shelton Crews, who was the North Marion lead trainer for a very long time and is currently the leader overseer of the Florida Athletic Coaches Association. "In any case, when you venture back and see what he's refined in his life of work, I understand that I might have expected this out of Craig."

Damon didn't wade into controversy and didn't compromise.


"He had an honest great deal of pride and a ton," Crews said. "Did whatever might be considered appropriate and did it the correct way. Example of genuine greatness. Speedy student. He's a relaxed person, yet he likewise has that mystique. You realized he would have been fruitful."

Work days

Each day, get the late games scores and stories from the prior night.

Damon will take on a few predicaments. The participation is parted over a questionable new football season finisher design that isolated schools into discrete Metro and Suburban divisions. Also, state administrators have discussed stripping the FHSAA of its job as the sole overseeing body for government funded schools while allowing contending relationship to be shaped.

Teams noticed that Damon had four objectives composed on a white board in his office well before he talked with for the chief position: