토토사이트 검증

Question and answer session: School Bonds Being Proposed During The May 7 Election
As political race approaches on May 7, East Texans should settle on a decision on whether to decide in favor of or against school bond proposition. 토토사이트 검증

Which Longview region locale have bond mandates on the voting form?
Longview ISD and New Diana ISD have proposition on the voting form that would revamp and build new offices for understudies.

The Longview News-Journal assembled data from past inclusion and asked both school areas a couple of key inquiries regarding the recommendations to illuminate citizens. Questions included:

• What will the security mean for the expense rate assuming it is passed?

• On the off chance that the bond is passed, what will be fabricated/redesigned?

• What occurs on the off chance that the bond doesn't pass?

• On the off chance that it passes, what is the extended timetable on proposed projects?

Longview ISD's Assistant Superintendent of Finance Wayne Guidry talked for the $229 million security bundle that would support enhancements for the secondary school grounds and carry three new offices to the region.

What will the security mean for the expense rate in the event that it is passed?
Guidry said the duty rate won't change assuming the security is passed.

"Charge rate won't change in light of whether the security passes or comes up short. We expect the obligation administration charge rate to stay stable from here on out," he said.

Assuming that the bond is passed, what will be fabricated/remodeled?
Assuming the bond is passed, the locale would see the accompanying enhancements in light of the four recommendations LISD is pitching:

Suggestion A ($178,185 million): Early learning place, Career specialized instruction/proficient advancement development, remodels at Longview High School, Early Grad High School redesigns and expansion acquisition of other property.

Suggestion B ($40,795 million): Multipurpose occasion community/indoor practice office for expressive arts, sports and other extracurricular exercises,

Suggestion C ($8,565 million): Repairs for offices, redesigns and updates to Lobo Coliseum and Lobo Stadium.

Suggestion D ($2,440 million): Facility fixes, remodels and refreshes towards Lobo Swim Center.

What occurs in the event that the bond doesn't pass?
"In the event that the bond doesn't pass, the locale will make an arrangement to pay for remodels from our general working spending plan. This is the spending plan we use to pay our staff and run our study halls," Guidry said.

In the event that it passes, what is the extended timetable on proposed projects?
As per Guidry, assuming the bond is passed, the projected beginning date for undertakings would be Aug. 30, 2023 and the significant culmination date would be July 30, 2025.