
Pause Your Breathing: The Ice Dive (Netflix) profiles Finnish freediver Johanna Nordblad as she prepares for her endeavor to break the ladies' reality record for an unassisted plunge underneath the ice on one single breath. The motivation for Hold Your Breath traces all the way back to 2015, when movie producer and photographic artist Ian Derry previously chronicled Nordblad's submerged undertakings in a short film that transferred on the video station Nowness. 토토사이트

The Gist: If there's a record to be broken, somebody some place is preparing to get it done. What's more, in the event that that record comes from something troublesome, outrageous, or incredibly troublesome, that is shockingly better. As her sister Elina Manninen expresses almost immediately in Hold Your Breath, Johanna Nordblad was continuously letting it all out, from kayaking and dirtbike competitions to downhill trekking. However at that point a wrecked leg drove her from the inclines, and constant torment from nerve harm drove her to thereputic cold treatment, which thusly acquainted her with the vivid universe of infiltration jumping underneath an ice sheet. Outrageous? Definitely. The dangers incorporate heart failure. In any case, it's fulfilling, as well. "The ice opening is a piece like a door to a wonderful, calm spot," Nordblad says. "Time stops."

Pause Your Breathing joins Nordblad in January 2020 as she prepares among the snow and ice of her local Finland for a run at the ladies' reality record in unassisted ice plunging, which by then remains at 50 meters. That is north of 150 feet on one breath, moving under the ice in 20-degree water, wearing just a bathing suit. It's a serious inclination, Nordblad says of the virus. Be that as it may, it's not exactly difficult. Assuming you're loose, that is. Without entering a condition of mental and actual unwinding, the body tenses, the clearness of the virus increments, joints seize up, and "skin stings, damages, and consumes all over the place."

As the record endeavor draws near, Nordblad fights a frightful lung contamination, in addition to uncooperative climate. The principles require 30 centimeters of ice thickness, and the impacts of environmental change on Finlandian winters are a burden. However at that point a more serious issue emerges as COVID-19 and lockdown. She needs to stand by a whole year to mount another endeavor, and by then the record distance has protracted to 70 meters. That, however Nordblad is going for a more prominent, significantly really fulfilling prize - to break the informal ice plunge record of 102 meters. A year has gone by, a COVID year brimming with hindrances to preparing and individual misfortune. Be that as it may, the track is set out on Finland's Lake Ollori, with triangles cut from the ice at standard stretches. A swimsuited Nordblad rises out of her sweeping in the freezing cold, onto the lip of ice, and slips quietly into the opening