
Gianni Infantino, the President of Fifa says in the statement:"I can guarantee you that the main bona fide, genuine game that has the Fifa name will be the best one accessible for gamers and football fans." 메이저사이트

"The consistent is the Fifa name and it will remain perpetually and stay the best."

EA Sports appear to be certain that their methodology is correct: "Change is continuously going to worry for individuals from the start," says David Jackson.

"Regarding things that they'll miss, players will see just two things: The name and a World Cup piece of content at regular intervals. Beyond that, tiny will change about the things they know, and love about the ongoing Fifa items.

"Presumably the simplest thing that we might have done would have been to keep up with the norm. Fifa has been a staggeringly effective game after some time, however there are minutes when you want to consider what's to come resembles and we want to fabricate our own image is an ideal best for us."