
World Record Broken By These Columbus Crew Scarves 토토사이트
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) - Guinness World Records halted in Ohio Wednesday to quantify a record-breaking scarf by the Columbus Crew at Lower.Com Field.

To bring issues to light for youngsters' emotional wellness, the soccer group cooperated with Nationwide Children's Hospital to attempt to break a record for the world's longest chain of avid supporter scarves.

In excess of 1,000 Columbus Crew scarves were hitched together and laid across the field — all trying to fund-raise and mindfulness for youngsters' emotional well-being.

"That is the thought right, is to truly accomplish something eye catching like a world record so everybody is discussing youngsters' emotional well-being, and everybody knows that we must discuss it," Dr. Ariana Hoet, clinical head of Nationwide's On Our Sleeves kids' emotional well-being effort, said.

The record endeavor traces all the way back to October, as the Columbus Crew made a proposition that month to give a scarf towards the chain each time a fan purchased a "Envelop Them By Support" soccer fan scarf.

"It's genuinely a Columbus people group exertion — each fan that has bought a scarf, the Columbus Crew has given another scarf so we can involve it in our endeavor for the world record," Hoet said.

A Columbus Crew representative said the scarf affix developed to one mile long as gifts came in, and volunteers spread it out around the Lower.Com Field pitch.

After estimations were done around 3:50 p.M., an agent for Guinness World Records affirmed that the scarf came in at 4,848.56 feet, breaking the past record.

Volunteer Andrea Hickman, who has a girl with uneasiness, said she trusts the record-breaking scarf at Lower.Com field will assist with encouraging conversations of emotional well-being inside Ohio families.

"[It] will make individuals sort of delay and reflect and check whether they ought to have a check in with their children on emotional wellness," Hickman said.

The Columbus Crew representative said it gave 100 percent of the returns from "Enclose Them By Support" scarves towards giving free psychological wellness assets to families around the country.

"I believe it's extremely personal, as a matter of fact — I mean to realize that we're essential for a greater venture to truly break the marks of shame and carry help to kids that truly need it," volunteer Shannon Quillen said.