
NBA Rumor: Masai Ujiri Case 

Ujiri was passionate. He is personally acquainted with how it feels to be violated by police since you're a Black man.메이저사이트

The week earlier, body cam film from the 2019 NBA Finals had surfaced, showing a white cop getting and pushing Masai as he attempted to step on the court after his Raptors beat the Warriors for the title. There it was, plain as day:

Even an incredible Black man, the leader of a NBA group, wasn't protected from being mistreated by the police. Ujiri realized he needed to show his players before they saw it somewhere else. "I cried when I showed the players my video," he says. "Also, I cried when I got the video from the attorney.

Also, when my significant other watched it [with me]… That was enthusiastic, and I cried once more." looking back, Ujiri says he doesn't lament getting back to the air pocket: "Truly, Taylor, sports unites us all. We can resolve these issues head-on and excite and trust for change and attempt to make that change. We must be in that space, and the air pocket was that space around then."