
Shawnee Heights USD 450 Candidates Answer Questions About Masking, Vaccines And Teacher Morale 

Supervisor's note: The Capital-Journal is distributing Q&As with the possibility for region educational committees in coming days. The article shares reactions to questions given by up-and-comers in Shawnee Heights USD 450. Advance deciding in favor of the Nov. 2 general political race starts Monday. 사설토토

The Topeka Capital-Journal has been asking area educational committee applicants inquiries to help inhabitants in the democratic cycle. 

Shawnee Heights Unified School District 450 is only one of a few educational committees with up-and-comers competing for open seats. 

Officeholder Rosa Cavazos is looking for political decision for USD 450's District A, Position 4 seat. Her adversary is Jill Koch, who didn't react to the inquiries by print cutoff time. 

Occupant Erica Price is looking for political decision for District B, Position 5 seat. Her adversary is Tim Watts. 

Christina Flaming and Kristy VanMetre are running for the District C, Position 6 seat. 

Inform us concerning your experience and capabilities to serve on the educational committee. 

Area A Position 4 

Cavazos: I have been a functioning volunteer in our area for more than 15 years, which is the point at which I moved to the Shawnee Heights locale and I appreciate serving my local area. I have served twice as the PTO VP and President at Shawnee Heights Elementary School, Carnival Chair for quite a long time, Den Leader for Pack 1 for a considerable length of time, Site Council Representative for the Shawnee Heights Middle School, Shawnee Heights High School and Shawnee Heights Elementary School. I was on the District Advisory Council for a considerable length of time also. I helped start the High School Boy's Swim Team and the Middle School Dance Team. 

As a Board part I sit on the Teacher's Negotiations Committee, the Superintendent's Council the Shawnee Heights Foundation Board. I at present serve on the Mana National Board, Washburn Leadership Institute Board, Ted Ensley Gardens Board, Community Action Board and the Governor's Council on Travel and Tourism. I took an interest in Leadership Greater Topeka and the Latino Collaborative Leadership Program. 

Expertly, I have been working with local area assembling and advancing Topeka and Shawnee County. I'm glad to have the option to utilize my abilities such that assists our local area with flourishing. 

Area B Position 5 

Value: I have been a functioning volunteer at the Shawnee Heights School District beginning around 2010 when my child entered Kindergarten. I went through around 8 years in the PTO and filled in as President and Vice President I have likewise served on the Tecumseh North Site Council, SHMS Site Council, the HS Site Council, and the Social Emotional Learning Team. I have had the advantage of being a board individual from the Shawnee Heights Public Schools Foundation. 

Since turning into an educational committee part right around 4 years prior, I have addressed the board in District Advisory Council, Safety Committee, District Leadership Team, Negotiations, and Intergovernmental Co-Op Council. On top of having gone through 11 years chipping in, I have lived here in the locale both as a parent and as a benefactor for a considerable length of time. I put stock in respectability, genuineness, difficult work, collaboration, and ground breaking. I likewise trust that we must give our kids the help and assets important to assist them with becoming effective grown-ups. 

Watts: My family and I have lived in the Shawnee Heights area for very nearly 13 years. During this time, I have been engaged with the local area and have consistently upheld Shawnee Heights' occasions and exercises. As a dad of an eighth grader and fifth grader, I have delighted in going to class occasions, meetings, chipping in as a Watch Dog, and assisting with class occasions consistently. I have trained softball, ball, soccer, banner football and ball clubs and have had awesome encounters with various Shawnee Heights understudies and families. 

Furthermore, quite a bit of my volunteer time during the most recent 7 years has been revolved around coaching undergrads in the Greek Life framework at Washburn University. My "why" for running for educational committee presently is basic. I was in similar dilemma as many guardians were - telecommuting close by my children while they were encountering school through different learning models. 

Those provoking months lighted my enthusiasm to chip in recently and in a limit that would better serve the local area I live in. I have gone to pretty much every educational committee meeting tracing all the way back to August 2020. I have joined to talk at each gathering fully intent on opening up the lines of correspondence and ensuring all voices are heard. My enthusiasm for guaranteeing that there is a solid joint effort between the local area and our educational committee is the thing that drove me to run for a seat on the board.