
San Antonio Sports Host Gets 'Meep' Tattoo Honoring UTSA's Historic Season 

Carolina Teague, voice of "The Sports Dime," talks the discussion. Presently, with another tattoo suitably inked on her foot, she strolls the walk. 온라인카지노

Teague tapped nearby fighter and tattoo craftsman Brown Nevarez of Texas Taboo Tattoo to get an extremely durable salute to the noteworthy UTSA football crew on her foot. 

On November 1, Nevarez inked "Meep," the sound to word imitation made well known by the Looney Tunes Road Runner and embraced by the neighborhood group's fan base, in a content lettering combined with a rose. Teague says she added the rose to respect her grandmother. 

Teague didn't go to the school and the new ink additionally denotes her first time on a tattoo table. So why UTSA? Everything began with a tweet. On October 16, she made a strong guarantee to get the tattoo if UTSA stretched out their series of wins to 8-0 

"I was having some good times at the UTSA rear end and was so glad for UTSA for their undefeated record (they were 6-0 at that point), that I made the public tweet that I'd make it happen," she says. "They wound up going 8-0, so I needed to keep my part of the arrangement." 

She says different fans heaped on to her post and said they'd likewise get a tattoo if UTSA continued to win. Teague desires to see more Roadrunner-propelled tattoos before long. 

"I've really been searching for a school football crew to adore," Teague adds. "The explanation I experienced passionate feelings for UTSA is on the grounds that consistently I'd get many DMs from Roadrunner fans to come out and back end. They've been so kind and inviting to me."