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No 'Particular, Credible Threat' Against NYC Marathon, Police Say 

NEW YORK CITY — There is "no particular, tenable danger" against this current end of the week's New York City Marathon, NYPD authorities say — yet police will in any case utilize cameras, fume identification canines and large number of officials to get the race. 

The NYPD will execute a "layered" way to deal with security at Sunday's occasion, said John Miller, NYPD's Deputy Commissioner of Public Information. 토토사이트 검증

That approach includes closing off the course's edge with many vehicles, utilizing bomb crew and radiation recognition groups, setting up more than 600 cameras along the course, and utilizing canines to examine the region for dubious bundles and explosives traveling through the group. 

"This is a layered methodology that we start the season with, with the long distance race, that brings through to the Thanksgiving march, the lighting of the Christmas Tree, New Year's Eve," Miller said at a news meeting Wednesday. "It is a bundle from a devoted group that is accustomed to getting these occasions." 

"A great many" officials will be positioned along the long distance race — what begins in Staten Island and winds through every one of the five precincts prior to finishing off with Central Park — Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said. 

Shea likewise said the quantity of officials who are on neglected leave in the wake of declining to get inoculated against COVID-19 is "immaterial" and won't influence the division's capacity to screen the race. 

Just 33,000 competitors will run for this present year, long distance race authorities said, every one of whom should demonstrate immunization status or have a new regrettable COVID-19 test. 

However, a more modest contender field won't mean a more modest measure of assets, Miller said. 

"From our point of view, it's as yet a 26.2-mile course, so the assets will be something similar," Miller said. "We might be securing less sprinters, yet we're ensuring an occasion of a similar degree and size." 

To plan for the race, Miller said the NYPD held a "tabletop work out," in which authorities proposed circumstances from "each classification of potential situations, from cataclysmic events to mishaps to various methods of assaults and pandemonium" to test officials' reactions.