
Jimmy Lake In Huge Trouble For Reasons Other Than Losing (UPDATED) 

We should be extremely clear pretty much this: Washington lead trainer Jimmy Lake won't be terminated for losing an excessive number of games, essentially not in disengagement. Washington Athletic Director Jennifer Cohen has shown no desperation on that front. If she did, hostile organizer John Donovan would have been terminated recently. 메이저사이트

In any case, Lake — halfway through his words yet generally through his activities — is making new difficulties which may in any case get him pushed out on Montlake. The misfortunes wouldn't be the fundamental explanation he gets terminated, yet they would remove his influence in the endeavor to hold his work. 

Lake's extremely awful week started for certain stupid and childish articulations made with regards to Washington not being an enrolling adversary of Oregon. Lake said Washington stressed over Stanford (which looks awful on the field, on the off chance that you haven't saw) and Notre Dame, not the Ducks, who have soar to the highest point of the Pac-12 in selecting all while the Huskies have cratered. 

In case Lake was adequately moronic to offer those remarks, he expected to beat Oregon on the field. He then, at that point, drop-kicked the ball with 1:59 left and his group following by one belonging (eight focuses, 24-16). All that was not going to get Lake terminated, yet something different which happened Saturday night could make Lake's life extremely confounded before long: 

If Cohen has appeared to be lethargic to wins and misfortunes and awful hostile facilitators and terrible late-game procedure, she appears to be more surprise and frightened with regards to Lake striking his own player. That is not an analysis of Cohen, simply an impression of the truth that she is focusing on Jimmy Lake and newly assessing whether he is deserving of being the lead trainer at Washington. 

We will see where this story leads, however it's anything but an assurance that Lake is protected — once more, for reasons other than wins and misfortunes. 

UPDATE (added Sunday at 9:49 a.M. In Seattle): 

There's an additional detail to this story which exacerbates Lake. 

Long-lasting Seattle sports reporter Art Thiel announced that Lake denied striking a player, a remark which is genuinely false and uncovers a reluctance to concede botches. Oof.


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