
Kevin C. Cox 토토사이트
Choosing the right response for the Atlanta Hawks is confounded. They are a variable mishmash of tempting exchange chips.

A portion of the sparkle has worn off De'Andre Hunter. Wounds kept on screwing with his accessibility this season, and he hit a hostile divider in the wake of glimmering a more powerful bundle to begin 2020-21. His expansion qualification likewise makes him a more thorny offer to modifying crews that would rather not bankroll post-newbie bargains without skipping a beat.

Onyeka Okongwu verges on acquiring the gesture. Close positionless guard remains his calling card, and he has a presence around the bushel that misrepresents his 6'8" height. His hostile portfolio, in the interim, extends past edge running and heave getting and incorporates an operable floater and a couple of spill navigation.

John Collins is the genuine response, since he must be. His status in Atlanta has felt dubious since the appearance of Clint Capela, and on the off chance that the Hawks are searching for the vaunted consolidatory blockbuster exchange, there could be no greater bundle main event than a 24-year-old floating around the edges of fame.

Collins is noticeably flawed. He is all the while better protectively despite everything presumably a one-positioner on that end. Yet, his hostile utility is vastly adaptable. He can be the essential screener, float around past the three-bring up line or bust a situational floor game. That flexibility has genuine frontcourt esteem, especially with a hyper-sensible three years and $75.4 million remaining on his arrangement.