
Texas Woman Becomes Nurse In Same Unit Where Husband Received Bone Marrow Transplant 

Jennifer Smith goes to work each day with a reasonable feeling of direction. As an oncology nurture in the bone marrow relocate unit of St. David's South Austin Medical Center, she really focuses on patients with leukemia. 사설토토

Like different medical caretakers in her unit, she's loaded up with information, experience, and a solid enthusiasm for giving the most ideal consideration to her patients. In any case, in contrast to her partners, she likewise has an additional one quality that is demonstrated to be important to her work: viewpoint. 

Almost six years prior, Jennifer was first acquainted with her future work environment when her significant other Ryan was determined to have leukemia. At that point, Jennifer was a housewife bringing up three little girls. Ryan, a computer programmer for Sony, was the family's essential provider. 

"At the point when your life partner is determined to have a dangerous infection, there are a great deal of commonsense worries," she told Southern Living. "You begin figuring, 'I might have to help my family monetarily.' So, one of my first contemplations was, 'I want to find a new line of work.'" 

Around a similar time these considerations began drifting through her psyche, Ryan started in-patient treatment. Through her experience as Ryan's essential parental figure, Jennifer got a brief training in oncology, disease, and patient consideration. 

"Sooner or later, I went gaga for nursing," she recalls. 

Ryan got a bone marrow relocate in May 2016, only five months after first being analyzed. Jennifer began nursing school a little while later. 

"When I went to class, it was a major respite here and there," she said about the progress from mother and guardian to understudy. "It was an only thing for me that I was chipping away at. My children were all in school, so I was in school when they were in school. It was great for me that I didn't feel like they saw I was gone or that there were any changes." 

From the get-go in her nursing schooling, Jennifer said unmistakably she had settled on the best choice. She delighted in jumping further into the themes she found out about during Ryan's treatment, and she had an invigorated outlook on the thing she was doing—something she said she never felt while seeking after a business the executives degree in her mid 20s. She additionally knew precisely where she needed to work upon graduation.