
Painting Of Royal Winter Sports Becomes Stamp안전놀이터
 A detail perspective on a stamp copy of the Qing bingxi painting. [Photo gave to China Daily]
Bingxi, a colder time of year sporting action hung on ice, was viewed as one of the four significant public practices during the rule of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It included skating, ball-playing, gymnastics and different exhibitions for supreme crowds. It was typically given for engaging and formal purposes and at regal reviews and strategic events.

Qianlong requested his court painters to portray in a few long looks of Chinese artworks the fabulous scenes of bingxi, including one made by Zhang Weibang and Yao Wenhan.

To check the impending Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the Beijing Organizing Committee and China Post are mutually delivering an assortment of two long sheets including stamps roused by the custom of bingxi, praising the delight of sports and the soul of the Olympics.

One sheet incorporates an imitation of the Qing painting and three stamps showing the authority seal of the 2022 Olympics. The other sheet incorporates stamps including the light, decorations and realistic plans for every one of the occasions at the Games.