
BUILDING ELITE FORCES FOR MILITARY OF FUTURE/Navy SEAL Training Pushes Men To Limit To Prepare For Ever-harder Mission 토토사이트
2006-05-14 04:00:00 PDT Coronado, San Diego County - - A slick line of 177 Navy SEAL initiates connect arms and swim into the ocean. The day is turbulent, with 7-foot breakers and 61-degree water. However, teachers request them to turn and lie on their backs in the surf.

The young fellows douse their boots, fight dress uniform pants and white T-shirts. Their exposed, crewcut heads should remain drenched as waves bat them around. After eight minutes they rise, rush to the sand rises, drop and move to turn into "sugar treats." This wash cycle rehashes multiple times. Faces become flushed and mottled with cool, a few men savagely shudder, a couple of mid-regions begin to writhe.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Dan Gearhart, accountable for Phase I preparing for Navy SEAL commandos, baffling and forcing in wraparound conceals, stalks the ocean side. Different educators send language as pungent as the ocean breeze. Gearhart doesn't have to.

"Lay in that water until you sort out - - it makes a difference how quick you move during this preparation," he articulates through a bullhorn. "You folks requested this. You will figure out how to move. I promise it. Or on the other hand you will be no more."

This is ground zero for America's arrangement to fabricate powers that can more readily execute the worldwide conflict on fear. It's the Special Warfare Center, West Coast home of U.S. Naval force SEAL commandos, part of the rambling Naval Amphibious Base on San Diego Bay. It's the door for initiates anxious to see whether they have the secret sauce for the Navy's tip top, Sea-Air-Land (subsequently SEAL) heroes.

Less than half of these folks will move on from the exhausting preparation that sets them up to wrestle with a dangerous reality. Setbacks in the midst of ebb and flow activities incorporate 16 SEALs killed in Afghanistan since the conflict on psychological oppression started, including 11 last June 28. Eight SEALs were lost alongside eight Army Night Stalkers when a Taliban rocket-pushed projectile destroyed their helicopter. This chopper mission was endeavoring to protect a four-man SEAL surveillance group associated with a firefight. Three of the four on the ground were killed. The fourth sidestepped the adversary and was safeguarded days after the fact. No SEALs have been lost in Iraq.

Among Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's key drives is the modernization of America's military by developing adaptable, quick reaction covert powers.

Exceptional Operations Command for the U.S. Military in Tampa, Fla., plans an increment of 13,000 soldiers in the Green Berets, Delta Force administrators, Navy SEAL commando groups and care groups over the course of the following four years. Such exceptionally prepared staff are presently considered to be more valuable than outlandish military equipment in the conflict on fear.

SEAL missions range a range, from undercover observation to battle strikes to assurance of significant people and even medication ban.

Enlistment overall is hazardous. Declining public help for the mission in Iraq is lessening information exchanges. Last year, meeting enrollment objectives demonstrated extreme for the Army, Army Reserve and National Guard. (The Navy, Air Force Marines actually did sensibly well.) American youth in everyday need wellness and convey more fat than any past age. This implies it's harder to track down officers with high strength, perseverance and capacity to bear difficulty.