
Why Islam Prohibits Backbiting And Slandering
Significant sins are for sure the reason for all wretchedness, insidiousness and torture in this world and the great beyond. Furthermore the most awful of all wrongdoings are those that are most noteworthy in mischief and peril to mankind. Among the horrendous significant sins are conniving and defaming. These two sins are illegal by Allah since they sow hatred, insidiousness and conflict among individuals and lead to annihilation.
They cause threats between individuals of a similar family and among neighbors and family members. They can diminish in great deeds and expansion in malicious ones and lead to shame and lowness. 메이저사이트

Belittling and criticizing are disgrace and shame. Their culprit is loathed and he will not have a respectable passing. Allah prohibits these demonstrations, as He says in the Holy Quran: "Belittling and meddling are from the most abominable and vile of things, yet the most generally spread among humanity, with the end goal that nobody is liberated from it aside from a couple of individuals."

Conniving (gheebah) implies referencing something about an individual (in his nonappearance), that he would rather not (have referenced), regardless of whether it is about his body, his strict qualities, his common undertakings, his self, his actual appearance, his personality, his abundance, his youngster, his dad, his better half, his way of strolling, and his grin. It is a similar whether you notice that with regards to him with words, through works, or regardless of whether you point or demonstrate to him by signaling with your eyes, hand or head.

With respect to the body, it is the point at which you ridicule what someone looks like, or referencing any terrible quality in him, as saying: "he is visually impaired", "he limps", "he is blurred peered toward", "he is bare", "he is short", "he is tall", "he is dark", "he is yellow", "he's excessively meager", "he's excessively fat".

Concerning his strict characteristics, it is the point at which you say: "he is a heathen", "he is a criminal", "he is a deceiver", "he is an oppressor", "he doesn't ask", "he asks so quick", "he doesn't act well towards his folks", "he doesn't pay the Zakat appropriately"."

Concerning the common matters, then, at that point, it is the point at which you say: "he has helpless habits", "he doesn't believe that anybody has a directly over him", "he goes on and on" and so forth Allah says in the Holy Quran: "O you who accept! Stay away from much doubt, in deeds a few doubts are sins. What's more covert agent not neither defame each other. Might one of you want to eat the tissue of his dead sibling? You would abhor it (so disdain defaming). Also dread Allah, verily, Allah is the One who acknowledges apology, Most Merciful" (Quran 49: 12) In this stanza, Allah firmly disallows slandering, and he looks at the backbiter to one who eats the tissue of his dead sibling. On the off chance that he would abhor eating the tissue of his sibling, he ought to likewise prefer not to eat his tissue while he is alive by defaming and criticizing him.

At the point when one reflects profoundly over this absorption it will be to the point of getting one far from slandering.

The Prophet's Companion Abu Hurayrah, May Allah be satisfied with him, has cited Prophet Muhammad, harmony arrive, as saying:

"Do you have at least some idea what belittling is?" They said, "Allah and His Messenger know best." He then, at that point, said, "It is to offer something about your sibling that he would loathe." Someone asked him, "However imagine a scenario where what I say is valid?" Allah's Messenger said, "Assuming what you say about him is valid, you are conniving him, yet on the off chance that it isn't accurate then you have defamed him."

Slandering is so boundless among individuals that it has turned into an issue of individuals' gatherings and a road for communicating their displeasure, qualms and desire. The individuals who enjoy conniving are concealing their own defects and hurting others. They are neglectful of the way that they are just hurting themselves.

This is on the grounds that the backbiter assuming the miscreant and his casualty is the violated, on the Day of Resurrection both the transgressor and the violated will remain before Allah who is the simply judge and the violated will speak to Allah to vindicate some unacceptable done to him, Allah will then, at that point, give this violated individual from the great deeds of the individual who violated him as per his wrong by belittling his sibling on a Day that no dad will give his child any of his great deeds nor a companion to his companion. All will say, "Myself, myself."