Trade Amber

London, United Kingdom- In a bold move towards transparency, Trade Amber is leading efforts to bring clarity to the proprietary trading industry. By openly publishing trading data - both successful and unsuccessful - Trade Amber aims to illuminate the habits and practices that may influence traders' success or failure within the prop firm sector.

"Trade Amber's dedication to transparency remains steadfast," asserts Richard Townsend, CEO of Trade Amber. "We understand the significance of offering traders genuine insights into what works and what doesn't in trading. Through the sharing of comprehensive trading data, our goal is to enable traders to make informed decisions and refine their trading strategies."

By providing traders with access to anonymized trading data, Trade Amber seeks to assist users in gaining valuable insights into potentially effective trading strategies. This transparent approach not only empowers traders but also cultivates a culture of responsibility and continual improvement within the prop firm industry.

"Transparency is pivotal for fostering trust and responsibility," notes Townsend. "At Trade Amber, we are committed to equipping traders with the knowledge and resources for potential success. By openly sharing trading data, we are not just levelling the playing field - we are transforming the entire landscape of proprietary trading."

In addition to sharing trading data, Trade Amber is at the forefront of innovative approaches to mentorship and trader development. Through collaborations with experienced mentors, Trade Amber offers personalized guidance and support to help users navigate the complexities of trading. This mentorship program, combined with access to comprehensive trading data, provides traders with a unique opportunity to expedite growth and achieve their trading objectives.

"Education and mentorship are core elements of our philosophy at Trade Amber," emphasizes Townsend. "By pairing traders with seasoned mentors and providing them with valuable insights, we are empowering them to take charge of their trading journey."

Alongside its dedication to transparency and trader development, Trade Amber is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive trading community. The introduction of a Discord channel offers traders a platform to connect, collaborate, and share experiences, enriching the trading experience for all members of the Trade Amber community.

"At Trade Amber, we are more than just a prop trading firm - we are a community," remarks Townsend. "Our Discord channel serves as a central hub for traders to exchange ideas, seek assistance, and celebrate achievements. By nurturing a sense of camaraderie and collaboration, we are cultivating a stronger, more resilient trading community."

With its steadfast commitment to transparency, trader development, and community engagement, Trade Amber is positioned to redefine the proprietary trading landscape. By providing traders with the necessary tools, resources, and support, Trade Amber is ushering in a new era of potential opportunities and empowerment within the prop firm sector.

For more information about Trade Amber and to join the trading community, visit

Contact Information:
Richard Townsend
[email protected]