Treat Insomnia Effectively With Natural Sleep Aids and Sleep Medications

Natural sleep aids such as a warm glass of milk with amino acids in it can help you to sleep peacefully. Chamomile tea and Valerian root are options for a normal sleep. Melatonin and cognitive behavior therapy, too, can induce sleep. Herbal sleep aids including essential oils like valerian root, lavender as well as rose can assist you to relax peacefully.  Further, changes in lifestyle as well as in sleep patterns can also restore sleep wake cycle. You should avoid the use of TV, mobile or internet in your bedroom. Further, you should keep away from alcohol and cigarette before sleeping. Moderate exercises, avoiding afternoon nap and going to bed only if you are extremely tired will induce sleep. And finally, retiring to bed daily at a fixed time or having a warm shower or listening to light music before bed time can set the mood for sleep. However, If sleep still eludes people, then insomniacs can resort to Temazepam, a benzodiazepine drug, in order to get rid of anxiety and other sleep troubles. It affects the functioning of GABA neurotransmitters in the brain and offers adequate relaxation to the central nervous system for a night of good sleep. Insomnia patients can buy Temazepam in UK on the prescription of a health care expert.