Trudeau and Colbert: A Night of Laughs and Canadian Pride

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made an appearance on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" and showcased his humorous side while discussing Canada's current affairs.

The Economic Landscape
Trudeau acknowledged the economic challenges Canada faces, particularly the rising cost of living. "Canadians don't feel it when they're buying groceries," he said. Colbert responded with a quip: "Are you suggesting that Canadians buy groceries?" Trudeau shot back, "Well, we don't just live on maple syrup and poutine."
The Benefits of Canadian-ness
Colbert inquired about the frustration among Canadians. Trudeau admitted that it was understandable. "But," he added, "we're still the best country in the world." He proceeded to list the perks of being Canadian, such as universal healthcare and the right to say "eh" as much as you want.
Bacon and Apologies
The conversation inevitably turned to Canadian stereotypes. Trudeau joked that the stereotype about Canadians being overly polite is true. "We're so sorry if we apologize too much," he said. Colbert couldn't resist a jab at the Canadian obsession with bacon, prompting Trudeau to declare, "Bacon is the cornerstone of our economy."
The Future of Canada
Despite the challenges, Trudeau remained optimistic about Canada's future. "We're going to get through this stronger than ever before," he said. "We're going to continue to build a country where everyone has a fair shot, regardless of their background."
A Touch of Humor
  • When Colbert asked Trudeau if he had ever considered running for President of the United States, Trudeau replied, "Only when I'm drunk."
  • Trudeau joked that Canada's secret to success is "we put all our best people in charge of our hockey teams."
  • In response to Colbert's comment that Canadians are too nice, Trudeau quipped, "We've got to be, or else the beavers would take over."
Trudeau's appearance on "The Late Show" not only highlighted the challenges confronting Canada but also showcased the country's unique spirit and its leader's ability to connect with people through humor and charisma.