Getting to Know Your Students: Geometry

What is the essential, non-negotiable content for your chosen teaching field?  Who determines that? How will you find materials to teach that content?  What do you think those materials will include?

For a geometry class the non-negotiable content is determined by the government and put into the common core standards. The content in those standards that must be taught are: Congrunce, similarity, right triangles, trigonometry, circles, expressing geometric properties with equations, geometric measurement and dimension, and modeling with geometry. The materials for this content would be found in the provided book the school provides along with my math lab, kahn acadamy or other online content that could go along with the book. These materials will include the information that is required to be taught in the class along with examples and problems to help aid the student.

Tool #1

For a good get to know everybody activity I thought it would be a good idea to have everyone get matched up with someone at random. I would randomly put everyone into pairs. After that I would give everyone a list of questions from where they are from, to hobbies, and what they may have done over the summer. After discussing these each students has to then get up and presnt what they found out about their partner. In the event of an odd number of kids they can have a group of three. This will help the students get to know their classmates and be engaged will doing it. I will also collect the sheets and now have some information on the students in the class so then I can start to build a relationship with them. I will have an idea of their interests and hobbies which will help relate to my students.


For a short assessment I would have a small 7 question assessment. It would involve 7 questions they will learn during geometry to see what prior knowledge they have about the topic they are learning. It should not be overly difficult, but give a good base of where the class is at and what basic knowledge they may have in geometry. I have attached the assessment below.