Understand How To Deal With Zddp Oil Treatment

ZDDP is a compound which contains zinc and sometimes phosphorus. Its an additive which is added to base oils to improve their resistance to wear. Its use is dated way back in the years, almost a hundred years ago. It is preferred to other additives due to the fact that it is quite cheap. The following are details on ZDDP oil treatment.
This compound was originally developed to be used in airplane engines but with time it was found to be quite effective for use in truck and car engines. Its mainly used in parts where there is considerable pressure generated at the metal to metal interface and surface wear is known for being a common occurrence. This simply means that it acts as an anti- wear protective agent.
The main reason why it widely used is that it helps prevent wear of machine parts. This means that they get to last longer hence a big conservative of the amount of money which could have been used to purchase other new parts. Also, its anti-oxidant properties and ability to reduce corrosion sees to it that depreciation is kept at its minimal at all times.
It is added to lubricants such as motor oils, grease and engine oils. They however contain a very small amount of this which is estimated to be about one percent. Most companies nowadays are keeping the zinc levels in oils at as low as possible. This is because very high amounts of the compound will eventually destroy the catalytic converters.
The world today is putting its main focus in saving the environment. This puts ZDDP in an awkward position as some environmentalists have made it their personal goal to make sure that it is completely eradicated from the market. They base their claim on the fact that the zinc being emitted is one of the leading causes of increased global warming across the world.
To add on to the above, ZDDP has also been linked to various health effects. They include irritation of the skin and eyes. This discovery was made when various tests were conducted on animals as an experiment to find out what health effects the compound has. It has however not been determined whether its responsible for causing cancer but individuals are nonetheless advised to be cautious at all times.
To help counter the above environmental and other health concerns, awareness is being created at all levels. This is through coming up with posters, educating individuals at their work places among other measures. It is important for them to wear protective garments at all times to prevent direct exposure.
In conclusion of the above, ZDDP has been used to meet a wide variety of needs in the market. Long exposure to it however can cause irritation to the skin. In connection to the environment, it is not biodegradable and can lead to various effects on aquatic life. However, the use of appropriate engineering controls, good protective equipment and also better environmental release controls provides proper risk management.
ZDDP oil treatment is one of the finest engine additive products on the market now. To see how it can help your vehicle, visit us on the Web now at http://www.haasperformanceproducts.com/Products-1.html.