Until Then

Hello dear reader, today I bring to you a tale that has spanned epochs. It is a tale that I hold dear to my heart. A tale of the ever-present "Until Then."

You may not realize this now, but your life is filled with "Until Then." It is that one phase that connects the two halves of your life. It is this time that you spend counting down until you reach what you desire.

For a student, it is the time until they can finally cross the threshold of their dream university. For a couple, it is the time until they can finally exchange vows. For a writer, it is the time until they can finally hold their published book in their hands.

So, what do you do during this time known as "Until Then?" How do you get through the sleepless nights and the anxious moments?

Well, it is not easy. There will be times when you want to give up. Times when you feel like you cannot go on. But it is during these times that you must remember that "Until Then" is always worth it.

It is during "Until Then" that you grow. It is during "Until Then" that you learn. It is during "Until Then" that you become the person who is ready to finally achieve their dreams.

So, I urge you, dear reader, to embrace your "Until Then." Do not let it scare you. Do not let it discourage you. Instead, let it motivate you. Let it drive you to become the best version of yourself.

And when you finally reach your "Until Then," you will look back on this time with a sense of pride and accomplishment. You will realize that it was all worth it.

So, go forth, dear reader. Embrace your "Until Then." And remember, it is always worth it. Until then, dear reader, until then.