Upcoming changes to employment law

The government has announced a number of changes to employment law that will come into effect in the coming months. These changes are designed to make the labour market fairer and more flexible, and to support businesses in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the most significant changes is the introduction of a new statutory right to flexible working. This will give employees the right to request flexible working arrangements, such as working from home or part-time, from their first day of employment. Employers will be required to consider all requests seriously and to grant them unless there are good business reasons not to.

Other changes include:

  • An increase in the National Minimum Wage
  • A new right to parental leave for all employees, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation
  • A new right to unpaid leave for victims of domestic abuse
  • Changes to the rules on redundancy

These changes are a welcome step forward for workers in Ireland. They will make the labour market fairer and more flexible, and they will provide much-needed support for businesses.

The changes to employment law are a reminder that the government is committed to supporting workers and businesses. These changes will help to create a fairer and more prosperous Ireland for all.