James Madison

                              James Madison

                                               (Father of th Consititution)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


                                        birthplace/family history/education

                Born March 16,1751 in Port Conway Viginia. Grew up in  Orange Country Viginia.         Madison is the oldest of 10 kids.James was a sick child. Full name James Madison Jr. His dad, james was a planter with more than 3000 acres. James was educated ealy from his mom, tutors and              private schools. In 1769 Madison entered Ollege of New Jersey now called Princeton        University.Gratulated in 1771. in 1794 James Madison married a widow named Dolley Payne Todd,                                           who had a son. they never had a child of there own.

                                  when he became a delegate    

    at age 29 James became the youngest memeber in continental congress. In 1779 he was elected as a delegate in Philadelphia. he wrote the virginia plan. Madison keeps a journal evey time he went to the convention, recording all the conversation and events that occurred.




                     James Madison help write the constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

                                     " If man were angles, no government would be necessary"

                                           In 1809 he became the 4rd president.(1809-1817) 

                                               Died June 28,1836. Buried at Montpelier Virginia.