U.S. Representative Katie Porter Is a Force to Be Reckoned With

A Rising Star in the Democratic Party

Katie Porter, a Democratic representative from California's 45th district, has quickly ascended to national prominence with her sharp wit, unwavering resolve, and fearless advocacy for working families.

A Lawyer, Economist, and Professor

Before entering politics, Porter was a highly accomplished lawyer, economist, and professor. She earned her B.S. in economics from Yale University, her J.D. from Harvard Law School, and her Ph.D. in law from the University of California, Berkeley. She taught law at the University of California, Irvine, for over a decade, specializing in consumer protection, bankruptcy, and economic inequality.

A Tireless Champion for the 99%

Porter's passion for fighting for the underdog is evident in her work in Congress. She has been a vocal critic of large corporations and financial institutions, particularly in the areas of predatory lending, healthcare costs, and environmental degradation. Her signature tactic is using her whiteboard to break down complex financial concepts and expose corporate greed, earning her the nickname "The Whiteboard Warrior."

A Master of Accountability

Porter is known for her relentless grilling of executives and policymakers during committee hearings. Her ability to hold those in power accountable has made her a formidable force in Congress. She played a pivotal role in the passage of legislation to protect consumers from surprise medical bills and reduce pharmaceutical drug costs.

A Role Model for Women and Girls

Porter's determination and ability to stand up to the powerful have inspired many across the nation. She is widely seen as a role model for women and girls, demonstrating that they can achieve anything they set their minds to, no matter the challenges they face.

A Bright Future Ahead

As Porter continues to rise through the ranks of the Democratic Party, her future in politics seems limitless. Her intelligence, passion, and unwavering commitment to fighting for the people make her a force to be reckoned with in the years to come.