USWNT: The REALITY of being a female athlete

There are a few things you should know about being a female athlete.

First, the pay gap is real. In 2022, the USWNT filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Soccer Federation for equal pay. Many people have been fighting for this for years, and it’s still not there yet. But the USWNT is not the only team fighting for equal pay,
Representation matters.

When young athletes see someone with their same race, gender, or religion doing something they have always dreamt of, it sparks something in them. When you see someone who looks like you or shares a background with you, it makes that goal seem more attainable. But growing up I rarely saw any famous athletes or someone playing the same sport who looked like me.
It’s not always easy.

There are lots of politics involved and a big part of sports is getting playing time and recognition for your talent, which sometimes is hard when other people are making the decisions. These feelings of being overlooked are hard to bear but stay motivated and do the work and you will be successful.

You can't please everyone.

This is something that I have learned in the past couple of years. No matter what you do in your life or career, there will be people who simply don’t like you. The best advice I can give to young athletes is to not let it bother you.
It's worth it.

Despite the downfalls of being a women athlete, it is more than rewarding. Being a part of something that you love with people who have the same goals and aspirations as you is an amazing feeling. Don't be afraid to let those people know how much you appreciate them either.
Don't be afraid to go after what you want.

This is something that I wish someone had told me when I was younger. If you have a dream, and people tell you not to go after it because you're a girl, then go out and prove them wrong.