
Vanity, vanity, all is vanity! So says the Preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes. And who are we to argue with him? After all, he was a wise man, and he had seen it all. He had seen the rise and fall of empires, the coming and going of generations, the pursuit of pleasure and the accumulation of wealth. And he had come to the conclusion that it was all futile, a chasing after the wind.

But what is vanity? Is it simply a matter of being too concerned with our appearance? Or is it something more? The Preacher defines vanity as "anything that does not last." And that, my friends, is a pretty broad definition. It includes everything from our physical appearance to our material possessions, from our reputation to our accomplishments. In fact, it includes everything that we are not.

So, if vanity is anything that does not last, then it follows that humility is the only thing that does. Humility is the recognition that we are not the center of the universe, that our lives are but a vapor, and that all our accomplishments will eventually be forgotten. Humility is the opposite of vanity, and it is the only thing that can save us from the futility of life.

But how do we achieve humility? It is not easy, but it is possible. One way to start is by practicing gratitude. When we focus on the things that we have, rather than the things we don't, it helps us to see the world in a more positive light. And when we see the world in a more positive light, it is easier to be humble.

Another way to achieve humility is by serving others. When we help others, we are not only making a difference in their lives, but we are also learning more about ourselves. And when we learn more about ourselves, it is easier to see our own shortcomings. And when we see our own shortcomings, it is easier to be humble.

Humility is not about thinking less of ourselves. It is about thinking of ourselves less. It is about realizing that we are not the most important people in the world, and that our lives are not the only ones that matter. Humility is about living a life of service and compassion, and it is the only way to find true happiness and fulfillment.

So, if you are looking for a way to live a more meaningful life, start by practicing humility. Be grateful for what you have, help others, and don't take yourself too seriously. And remember, the only thing that lasts is the love of God.