Veneer Laser Cutter Marquetry

Superior strength and alluring decorations can increase customers flow in the shopping mall and therefore increases profit making capability of company. One of the most loveable entrance doors are manufactured using wood veneer and laser cutter marquetry procedure. As already the concept is loved for the furniture, this technology given cultural and stylish look to the wood veneer doors. A person who specifically loves the shade of White oak and red maple loves the idea of using wood veneer for the interior purpose of the houses. Some companies are working on coming up with entirely new designs by mixing up materials and using various processes.
One of the loved methods to create veneer doors and furniture is through later cutting process.

Features of veneer laser cutter Marquetry

Well, if you visit gift shop, you come across various gift boxes, which are looking antique and the design on them is not seen painted. In fact the design is reviewed like part of the box; this is possible through the technique known as veneer laser cutter marquetry. When the companies are working for manufacturing beautiful and sophisticated doors using wood veneer, various designs availability of the customers are possible due to different techniques utilized for making designs. The popularity behind this technique is creating entirely unique and beautiful designs which look creative and reflect cultural norms and traditions as well.

Famous images and their application for veneer laser cutter Marquety

  • Birds: these designs are not only seen on the wooden jewelry boxes, in fact their traditional color combination with the natural wood shade is loved for the furniture as well.
  • Point edged designs: as various pieces are merged together to give the final designs, some of the designs are point edged designs. The designs and color for the doors are loved for various places. Their application is not restricted to residential places.
  • Feathers designs: the smaller boards are usually seen designed with feathers of different shapes and sizes. Peacock feather designs are loved as they are showing various design patterns.
  • Packing boxes: if you are giving gift to someone special and want to use special case for it, you can choose the wooden boxes with design patterns created using laser cutter marquety technique.
  • Green and nature friendly designs: people who love the nature and look for designs which are specifically showing wildlife or beautiful landscapes can now see these doors and furniture through this technique.

Specification of wood veneer laser cutter marquety process

  • Doors with different thickness are available, as more thick doors require more struggle to make perfect designs on them.
  • Although being expensive than other doors, wood veneer furniture and doors with different thickness are available for different price range, therefore more choice for the person to stay in the budget. 
  • Different designs and clarity are reviewed when the design pattern are reviewed from front and back.
  • Doors are strong enough to withstand temperature changes and offering protection from the surrounding environment. Therefore  it is top choice of people from different cultures.