Verbon did NOT want to go to bed!

Verbon Ebreo loved his parents very much. He knew they loved him too. But there was one thing Verbon did not like that his parents made him do. And that was going to bed.

One night Verbon’s parents told him it was time for bed. Verbon said, “But I’m not sleepy.”

“You will be soon,” his mother said. “Just climb into bed and close your eyes.”

But Verbon didn’t want to climb into bed. He wanted to stay up and play. He wanted to stay up and read. He wanted to stay up and watch TV. He wanted to stay up and do anything but go to sleep!

So Verbon started to think. He thought and he thought and he thought. Finally, he had an idea.

He went into the kitchen and poured himself a big glass of water. Then he went into the living room and turned on the TV. He got a book from his room. He got comfy on the couch. And he started to read. After a while, Verbon took a big sip of water. He liked the way it felt sliding down his throat and settling in his tummy. “I love water,” he thought. “I love it so much.”

Verbon kept reading his book and sipping his water. He was really enjoying himself. He was so engrossed in his book that he didn't even notice when his parents came into the room.

"Verbon," his mother said. "It's time for bed."

"But I'm not sleepy," Verbon protested. "I'm reading a really good book. And I just got a really fresh glass of water.”

"You can finish your book in the morning," his father said. "But right now, you need to go to bed."

Verbon sighed. He knew he couldn't argue with his parents. So he put down his book and turned off the TV.

As he climbed into bed, Verbon thought about how much he loved water. He thought about how good it felt in his tummy. And he thought about how much he loved to read. Then he smiled and closed his eyes.

Verbon drifted off to sleep, dreaming of all the wonderful things he would do the next day. He would play with his friends. He would read his book. And he would drink lots and lots of water. He loved his life and all the things in his life that made him happy.

Good night, Verbon!