Verizon Wireless class action lawsuit

Have you been overcharged by Verizon Wireless?

If you've been a Verizon Wireless customer for any length of time, you may have been overcharged. A class action lawsuit has been filed against Verizon Wireless, alleging that the company has been overcharging customers for years.

The lawsuit alleges that Verizon Wireless has been using a variety of deceptive practices to overcharge customers, including:

  • Charging customers for services they did not order or receive.
  • Failing to credit customers for payments they have made.
  • Charging customers for taxes and fees that are not actually due.

The lawsuit is seeking damages for all customers who have been overcharged by Verizon Wireless. If you believe you have been overcharged, you may be able to join the lawsuit.

What can you do if you've been overcharged?

If you believe you have been overcharged by Verizon Wireless, you can do the following:

  • Contact Verizon Wireless customer service and file a complaint.
  • File a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
  • Join the class action lawsuit.

If you join the class action lawsuit, you will not be required to pay any fees or costs. The lawyers who are representing the plaintiffs will be paid if the lawsuit is successful.

What are the chances of winning the lawsuit?

The chances of winning the lawsuit will depend on a number of factors, including the strength of the evidence and the arguments of the lawyers representing the plaintiffs.

However, the lawsuit is supported by a number of strong arguments, including the fact that Verizon Wireless has a history of being sued for overcharging customers.

In 2014, Verizon Wireless was ordered to pay $1.3 million to customers who had been overcharged for text messages.

In 2016, Verizon Wireless was ordered to pay $5 million to customers who had been overcharged for data usage.

These lawsuits show that Verizon Wireless has a history of engaging in deceptive practices to overcharge customers.

What is the deadline for joining the lawsuit?

The deadline for joining the lawsuit is [date].

If you believe you have been overcharged by Verizon Wireless, you should join the lawsuit as soon as possible.

You can join the lawsuit by filling out the form on the website of the law firm representing the plaintiffs.

Don't wait - join the lawsuit today and get the justice you deserve!