
Not all journeys are heroic. There are no triumphant parades for the ones who walk down the road paved with everyday horrors.

Not all stories are stories of victories and fulfillments. Some are stories of the constricted soul and the mind besieged by silent horrors. Of wounds that refuse to heal, and of scrapes that become scars. Of battles lost and battles fought but never won.

There was a time when my life stretched out before me as an unmarred, unwritten scroll. I could have been a hero, a saint, or a sinner. I could have been anything. But then came the first darkness, and with it, the first choice. And I chose as I always did: the path of least resistance.

The path was smooth, and the darkness was warm. It wrapped around me like a suffocating blanket. It was comforting in its embrace, and I revelled in the oblivion it promised.

But the darkness was a treacherous companion. It was a quicksand, and the more I struggled, the deeper I sank. The path narrowed, and the once comforting darkness became a suffocating prison, trapping me in its suffocating depths.

I wandered in that darkness for a long time, lost and alone. But I finally stumbled upon a fork in the road. And this time, I made a different choice. I chose the path of resistance, the path of struggle. It was a hard choice, and the road was rough and arduous, but it was a path that led to light.

The journey was long and the battle was hard-fought, but I fought it nonetheless. I fought for a chance at redemption, for a chance at happiness, for a chance to be a hero in my own way. And in the end, I won. I emerged from the darkness, scarred and battered, but alive and filled with a newfound purpose.

I am not a hero. I am not a saint. I am just a man who made a choice, and I am here to tell you that it is never too late to make the right choice.

If you are struggling in the darkness, if you feel like you are lost and alone, know that there is always hope. There is always a way out. You just have to find the strength to take the first step.

The path to light is not easy, but it is worth it. So take that first step, and let the darkness fall away. You are not alone. You are not defeated. You are a hero, and you can win this battle.