Victoria Day

Victoria Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada annually on the last Monday before May 25th, which generally falls on the 18th, 19th, or 20th, unless it's Memorial Day, which holds a different significance.
Originally known as Queen Victoria's Birthday, the holiday was established to commemorate the birthday of Queen Victoria, who was the Queen of England from 1837 to 1901. However, the style of celebration extended well before her passing, and maintaining the holiday became a continued practice that is still upheld today as a celebration commemorating all reigning monarchs and the current Governor General and Lieutenant-Governor.
Victoria Day is an important holiday for Canadians, and it is a day for many Canadians to gather with family and friends for barbecues, picnics, parades, and other festive activities. What is your favorite way to celebrate this day? From coast to coast, a plethora of parades, festivals, and special events form a spectacle for the whole family to gather together and enjoy. Fireworks and bonfires at night are also popular festivities held on this special day, and along with the revelry, there are also ceremonies and commemorations recognizing the sovereign, the bravery of veterans, and those currently serving the nation.
When I was a child, I remember spending Victoria Day at our family cottage by the lake. We would go for a swim, have a barbecue, and play games in the backyard. This was pretty well the set-up for most Canadian families who would often venture out for camping trips, fishing, hunting, or other outdoor activities. Just as the Queen enjoyed her love of all things outdoors, so too did the people of Canada. Maybe she is smiling down at us on this day as we gather with those we love most and spend it in remembrance and celebration of this long-standing holiday.
As an adult, I appreciate the holiday as a chance to relax and reflect on the history of Canada. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of the country and the many different cultures that make up Canadian society. I believe Victoria Day is the perfect day to celebrate resilience, unity, and the spirit of community that has allowed Canada to thrive over the years.