Victory Custo Design: Explorer Economizer Series



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An Explorer® economizer from Victory Energy can immediately reduce your fuel costs and carbon foot-print.  Your boiler flue gas exhaust has enough energy that can be recovered economically using our custom designed economizer.  In addition to reducing fuel usage and emissions, an economizer, by pre-heating the boiler feed-water, allows the boiler to more rapidly respond to load changes.

Beyond Boiler-Plate

Victory Energy’s economizers are custom engineered for your application by our industry leading thermal design experts to maximize heat recovery.  Every aspect of the economizer design is chosen with the aim of providing an economizer that will be in trouble-free service for many years.  From selecting the right metallurgy for the application, the right fin geometry and tube layout, based on fuel and fouling concerns, paying attention to erosion, corrosion and vibration concerns, you can rest assured that our Explorer economizer will be the optimum design for your application.

No application is too small or too big for us.  We thrive on an atmosphere of innovative thinking and breakthrough methodology. We carry this attitude forward as we work closely with our fabrication personnel and field technicians. In addition to providing innovative solutions to increase alternative energy production, we are constantly looking for ways to improve renewable energy technologies and maximize waste heat recovery processes.

Victory Energy offers a complete suite of heat recovery products and accessories for all your applications: 

- Cylindrical Economizers        

- Rectangular Economizers

- Condensing Economizers

- Waste Heat Recovery Units

- Thermal Oil Heaters

- Process Liquid Heaters

- Air Pre-heaters

- Ancillary Equipment

Cylindrical Economizer

Suitable for boilers ranging from 50 BHP to 100,000 PPH, our cylindrical economizers are ideal for firetube boilers as well as watertube boilers.The economizers can be mated directly to the round stack for easy installation.  Available in either carbon steel or stainless steel constructions, the Cylindrical Explorers can even be installed for vertical gas flow.  Economizers can be built to comply with either Section I or Section VIII, Division I of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.

Rectangular Economizer

Engineered to order for your specific application, our Rectangular Explorers can be designed for boiler sizes ranging from 100 BHP to upwards of 500,000 lb/hr of steam flow.  We can even design field assembled economizers for utility sized boilers.  The rectangular economizer uses high frequency resistance welded finned tubes to recover heat from the flue gas that flows counter-current to the boiler feed-water.  Victory economizers can be designed to recover energy from clean burning fuels like natural gas to fouling fuels such as coal or wood. The economizer is designed for economically optimum heat recovery with typical paybacks being in the months.

Think Condensing!

It is important to note that the majority of heat content of the exhaust flue gas is “trapped” in the moisture in the flue gas .  Flue gas from natural combustion has approximately 11% by weight of moisture.  Each pound of moisture if condensed can release 1,000 btu’s of energy.

Waste Heat Recovery Units

Victory Energy can design heat recovery units for non-boiler related applications.  Heat can be recovered from various sources, for example, gas turbines, cement kilns, diesel generators, etc to heat either a glycol-water mixture or thermal oil, etc.  Recovered heat can be used for a variety of applications including on-site power generation.

Air Pre-heaters

Victory Energy can design, engineer and manufacture tubular air pre-heaters, typically used for combustion air pre-heating.  Rigorously engineered, the air pre-heaters are custom designed for your plant layout.  We can handle very high gas temperatures, up to 1,750° F with our refractory lined units.

Ancillary Equipment

Victory Energy can provide a complete suite of ancillary equipment to maximize the value of our products.

- Duct-work

- Transitions including D-type transitions

- Support steel to elevate units of grade

- Stack

- Controls

- Dampers

- Expansion joints